Taming the Tongue
01/28/2007 10:00 AM
Pastor Gary Langley
Taming the Tongue
Our tongues can be used to destroy and kill or bless and heal -- and we have a responsibility as followers of Christ to make the right use of the power of our words.
Taming the Tongue
Our tongues can be used to destroy and kill or bless and heal -- and we have a responsibility as followers of Christ to make the right use of the power of our words.
Faith + Action
01/21/2007 10:00 AM
Pastor Gary Langley
Faith + Action
James Chapter 2 ends with a treatise on the balance between faith and works. We are justified -- saved -- by faith alone in Christ alone. But true saving faith will always manifest itself in action.
Faith + Action
James Chapter 2 ends with a treatise on the balance between faith and works. We are justified -- saved -- by faith alone in Christ alone. But true saving faith will always manifest itself in action.
A Call to Consecration
01/14/2007 10:00 AM
Pastor Gary Langley
A Call to Consecration
As we embark upon a 21-Day "Daniel Fast" Pastor Gary issued a call to commitment with a message from Daniel Chapter 1. We are being challenged to change our eating habits as a symbolic separation from our immersion in the culture around us. We are asking a BIG God for some BOG things and need to align our hearts with His.
A Call to Consecration
As we embark upon a 21-Day "Daniel Fast" Pastor Gary issued a call to commitment with a message from Daniel Chapter 1. We are being challenged to change our eating habits as a symbolic separation from our immersion in the culture around us. We are asking a BIG God for some BOG things and need to align our hearts with His.
Take Your Temperature
01/07/2007 10:00 AM
Pastor Gary Langley
Take Your Temperature
Ever take a sip of coffee and discover that it had grown lukewarm? Pretty disgusting. That's the way we seem to God when He finds that we have grown lukewarm. In this message from Revelation 3 Pastor Gary calls the church to self-examination and renewed fervor, lest we find that we have lots of programs that exclude the Lord.
Take Your Temperature
Ever take a sip of coffee and discover that it had grown lukewarm? Pretty disgusting. That's the way we seem to God when He finds that we have grown lukewarm. In this message from Revelation 3 Pastor Gary calls the church to self-examination and renewed fervor, lest we find that we have lots of programs that exclude the Lord.