Why Windward?
makes a person visit a church? What makes them decide to
stay? We asked that question and share these answers, in
the words of people who came and stayed at Windward.
Charles G. Hawkins, Sr. M.Div. D.Min.

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to be
part of the nation of Israel when they arrived at the Red
Sea? They witnessed Moses when he lifted his rod over the
sea and the waters parted. Only God can do Miracles. He is
the same yesterday, today and forever. He only asks that
we “,,,have
faith in God.” (Mark
11:22) You can find such a people at Windward Worship
Center in Kaneohe, Hawaii. It's not about Windward Worship
Center. It's about God.
It is such an inspiration for me at the advanced age of 79
to attend the regular services at WWC. I feel at times I
have suddenly been transported back in time to the mid
1930's shortly after my conversion. I was learning about
the wonderful ways of God that was so awe inspiring. As we
grew older I am afraid we became complacent about this
atmosphere that is the birthplace of the miraculous.
With the youthful demographic base of WWC & their
faith, that in Christ all things are possible, I feel
walking on water will soon become commonplace.
Julie Hobson

believe it is normal to be a little apprehensive when going
to a church for the first time - “Will
anyone even notice me? Will I be the only new one? Am I
going to have to talk to people or can I just sort of hide
in the back? What is my quickest escape route after the
service?” All
these questions may be running through our minds; however,
after my first service at Windward Worship Center I was
smiling to myself thinking, “What
was I so worried about? God's people are
When I
started going to Windward Worship Center, I was here by
myself from the Mainland for college, but I soon had a warm
home to go to every Sunday surrounded by fellow believers…
family in Christ. I had “family” to just hang with on
holidays. Only a week after attending I was invited to one
of the families' home for Thanksgiving and was included
right along with everyone else as if I'd always been there.
So yes, Windward does give you that “warm feeling” inside;
however, it's so much more than that.
If you're looking for a church in love with Jesus and in
love with preaching His Word, Windward is that place. My
husband and I never leave after a Sunday service without
talking in depth about the things in our lives that need to
change or be added in order to become more Christ-like.
Pastor Gary has a lot on his plate just as many pastors,
but he loves his flock and makes time for them. Most
importantly, our pastor loves his mighty God and we, his
congregation, get all the overflow of that love. We are a
blessed people indeed!!!
J.R. Fry

The intimacy within the church is the reason why I became a
member of Windward Worship Center. When I first attended
this church I will say it was a lot different compared to
my church back home in Fairfield, California. In general
and nothing specific, the whole service is completely
different from the church I attend back home, but I kept
going to Windward and thanks to Tony, I found this church
to be my new home. I consider this to be home over the home
I have back in California.
As you walk through the doors of Windward you are not
welcomed with a hand shake, or a hello, but a an open armed
hug, which to me shows compassion and love to one another
as a unity of brothers and sisters in Christ. That is what
a body of Christ should be like everywhere around the world
and that is what Windward is all about. I love it here. I
mean its Hawaii, where else would you want to be. I have
met some great wonderful people.
Through this church God has called me to become a worshiper
and to worship God freely and stop making you think of what
other people will think of you when you worship God in the
way He created you too. I definitely find this church the
home sweet home and the last main reason also I love this
church is because of the pastor.
I have never been to any church service and seen a Pastor
shed a tear after every service like Pastor Gary does and
that touched people. That's the kind of Pastor you want to
lead your church, which you know that he has a heart for
God. Pastor Gary reaches out to people in a way that
no one else could like Pastor Gary does and I have never
seen a Pastor work so hard at his called duty from
God. Because of the OHANA this church represents and
the presence that Pastor Gary presents every time I see him
is the reasons why I choose Windward Worship Center.
Praise God for Blessing me with this church and Thank You
Windward for being the OHANA God has blessed you with.
Evan Loya

I was moving to Hawaii! It is so true how things work out
when you make God your priority! I have a great church
family back in California and wanted to find the same in
here. Our church had been following Rick Warren's "Purpose
Driven Life/Church" worship and I wanted to find a church
that was doing the same. I looked on the internet for
Purpose Driven Churches and found Windward Worship Center.
I called Windward Worship when I arrived in Hawaii and
spoke to Pastor Gary. Let me tell you, I loved hearing that
southern accent having grown up in Texas! Most importantly,
Gary said to just come by for the Sunday Service and "check
it out". If I liked it great, if not, there was no
commitment! First impressions are important and I truly
wanted to meet Pastor Gary Langley.
Upon entering the church, I was warmly greeted as soon as I
entered. There was not one person that I made I contact
with that did not smile, say "hello" and give me a big hug.
These people did not know me and it did not matter! Gary
knew who I was immediately and just started to introduce me
to everyone around. I sat down and met Ryan and Julie
Hobson, newlyweds from the south who were close to my age!
I was feeling at home.
The service was wonderful as were the tears in Pastor
Gary's eyes while preaching the sermon. He even mentioned
who I was in the sermon and that was awesome! I saw the
love and sincerity and new I had found my church. I did not
want to look nor did I need to look anywhere else. This was
it for me.
Our sermon's topics are real and relate to my life! They
are things I am hungry for and want to know about. I want
to grow in the Lord each Sunday. It is so important to find
a church and stay. It is not boring!!! I come alive in the
worship! I come alive with the music at Windward Worship
and it brings the message to me. The sermons are not
complicated and not focused on a certain group of people;
they are for everyone, God's people! Anyone can come in to
the church and understand the message.
I started going to "Juice" and "Fruit"/Ghrut and started
growing relationships with wonderful people that were my
age. That was very important to me in just having moved to
the island. I have also grown friendships with people of
all ages at Windward Worship, and I think that is so cool.
You don't find that at all churches.
I really liked that Windward Worship was a smaller church
and more intimate. I could see it's potential to grow and I
knew it would. I wanted to be a part of that. I wanted to
be able to get to know as many people on different levels
whose lives are strong with love and their faith. This
family knows each other. They do things together, laugh and
cry together and know what is going on in each other's
lives. Thank you Windward Worship!