
Fishnet Chaplaincy is an independent para-church ministry under the direction of Chaplain Bonnie Holcombe, a minister and member of Windward Worship Center. The Chaplaincy is part of Fishnet Ministries International, which has a broad-based ministry to teach, preach, promote, establish, and conduct charitable works. FMI operates as an interdenominational entity enabling them to partner with many groups to meet the needs of the incarcerated and their families. These groups provide various services through the only faith-based treatment program in Hawaii, the Total Life Recovery Program. This program was opened in July 2003 with the approval of the Attorney General’s Office.

The goals of Fishnet Chaplaincy:

1. As chaplain, to provide for the spiritual as well as physical and material needs for those incarcerated and their families, to include mentoring for the offender while in prison as well as outside in the community.

2. To provide programs to address the needs of the Children of Incarcerated Parents, and for the caregivers.

3. To be able to establish in-house prison treatment programs as well as outside residential treatment programs to address any and all addictive, compulsive behaviors (drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, gambling, money etc)

4. To establish transitional reintegration programs in residential housing for offenders paroled/released back into the community. This will include men, women, and juveniles. These programs will deal with the need for jobs, education, childcare, housing or any area associated with helping offenders be successful in transitioning back into society.

5. To provide food for the hungry, homeless, and disadvantaged through food distribution, soup kitchens, and any other means to provide resources and food for the hungry. To provide clothing, essentials, jobs, affordable housing, mentoring and support to the homeless, incarcerated, elderly, children and teens. These services will include but not be limited to counseling, training, and teaching of basic life skills, communication skills, domestic violence, and sexual abuse.